Grief Packet
Coping with Suicide Grief
If any employees feel they need additional support:
Access the Sanvello app, which provides on demand clinical techniques to dial down the symptoms of stress. Sanvello is included as part of your Employee Assistance Program benefits and can be accessed through our website, using access code w/ PIN: here4tn. Select the Sanvello tile under “Popular Tools”
Contact the Employee Assistance Program. This service is available to employees 24 hours per day/ 7 days per week and offers both in the moment support and referrals for counselors in the community. The toll free number is (855) 437-3486.
Employee Assistance Program Web Portal
Existing Requests
Please call your 24/7 EAP at (855) 437-3486, ask to receive a call back from the critical incident team and reference TR-0074356.