Tennessee Extension Internships

The Tennessee Extension Internship Program provides students an opportunity to link classroom learning and campus leadership experiences with professional work experience. Gain hands-on work experience while exploring a career in Extension!

2025 Internship Dates

May 21 – July 30, 2025

10 Weeks

Applications will open in January 2025. Fill out the short interest form below to be notified as soon as job postings and applications are available!

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Learn more about what Extension interns do and see updates when applications open.

Learn more about the Tennessee Extension Internship Program!

What is Extension?

UT Extension provides a gateway to the University of Tennessee as the outreach unit of the Institute of Agriculture. It is a statewide educational organization, funded by federal, state and local governments, that brings research-based information about agriculture, family and consumer sciences, and resource development to the people of Tennessee where they live and work. With an Extension office in every county in Tennessee, Extension provides real life solutions to local communities.

Learn more about our locations here. One of the best ways to learn about Extension is to stop by or reach out to your local Extension office to talk with your local Extension Agent.

Why choose an internship with Tennessee Extension?

These are just a few of the reasons an Extension internship could be for you!

  • Stipend – All summer internships are paid.
  • A variety of hands on experience and field experience – no two days will look the same!
  • Choose your location (county-based internships)
  • Great networking – Make connections in your community and with Extension professionals across the state that will open career doors.
  • Get involved in your community and make a difference! Extension improves the quality of life for Tennessee residents through research-based education.
  • Work alongside and be mentored by experienced Extension professionals.
  • Develop professional experience and skills.
  • Strengthen communication and presentation skills.
  • Develop leadership skills.
  • Learn about career directions and opportunities in Extension.

What do past interns say about the internship experience?

Hear from Past Interns

We asked a few of our past interns about their experience. Hear from them in the videos below.

Finding Your Passion

Elizabeth Skelton talks about how the internship helped her find a calling. Watch here.

A Variety of Opportunities

Mackenzie Mason talks about how the internship showed her how much Extension does and that there’s an opportunity out there for everyone. Watch here.

Linking Classroom Learning

Madeline Kilpatrick talks about how she expanded her knowledge and skills in her subject matter of family & consumer sciences. Watch here.

Internship Opportunities and Application Information

Internships at a Glance

Keep scrolling to learn more about each internship and to access application materials.

Internship NameAccepted MajorsOverview of Application Requirements DeadlineCurrent Status
UT Extension County-Based InternshipsAgriculture, nutrition, child and family studies, community health, financial management, human ecology, education, or other closely related major.Open to sophomores, juniors, seniors, and graduate students

Minimum 2.7 GPA
Feb. 28
Open: Apply Here
Agriculture and Natural Resources / Community Economic Development InternshipAgriculture (specific major varies by position)Open to juniors, seniors, and graduate students

Minimum 2.7 GPA
TBDNot Yet Open for Applications
Altria InternshipAgriculture, natural resources, environmental science or closely related majorOpen to juniors and seniors. The student should also have at least one more semester to complete after the summer internship has ended.

Minimum 2.7 GPA
TBDNot Yet Open for Applications
Charles & Mattie Elrod Internship Supporting Small FarmsAgriculture or closely related majorOpen to sophomores, juniors, seniors, and graduate students in the UT Herbert College of Agriculture or UT College of Veterinary Medicine

Minimum 2.7 GPA
Feb. 28Open: Apply Here

How Do I Apply?

1. Complete the Online Application

Most internships require that you apply online using UT’s application system.

2. Attach the Required Application Materials

Note that each internship requires a resume, transcripts (official or unofficial), and a completed addendum. All documents must be attached to your online application for it to be considered complete. Applications cannot be consdered until all documents have been submitted.


All internships require a resume. For some tips and resources for developing an effective resume, see the resources below.

Resume Resources – UT Center for Career Development and Career Exploration


All internships require a minimum 2.7 GPA to apply. Please make sure to upload your transcript, which can be an official copy or an unofficial copy, to show your GPA and completed coursework.


Make sure you download the correct addendum for the internship you are applying for, fill in your information in the PDF form, and upload it to the online application system.

UT Extension County Based Internship

The internship provides students an opportunity to link classroom learning and campus leadership experiences with professional work experience. Interns will gain hands-on work experience while exploring a career as an Extension Agent. Interns will study, observe, and participate in a county Extension program under the direction and supervision of experienced Extension Agents.

Deadline: Feb. 28, 2025

Location: Flexible. Interns will be placed in a county Extension office for the duration of the internship. Applicants will identify their top 3 preferred counties in the application addendum, which will be considered in placement.

Responsibilities include:

  • Plan, prepare, and implement research-based educational programs in Extension subject matter areas (family & consumer sciences, agriculture & natural resources, or 4-H youth development), under the supervision of an Extension Agent.
  • Complete an internship e-portfolio and an educational project.
  • Present a report of the internship experience at the end of the program.
  • This position requires travel connected with official duties within the assigned county and participation in occasional out-of-county events.
  • This position requires participation in some evening and weekend events that occur outside of normal business hours.  


$7,600 (gross) for the 10-week internship is provided for each intern. Mileage reimbursement will be provided for travel to and from orientation and the final presentation day in Knoxville. Housing or housing allowance is not provided.

Application Requirements:

  • Must be enrolled in a college of agriculture, family and consumer sciences, education or related major.
  • Must be a sophomore, junior, or senior by the time of the internship start date, with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.7 (4.0 scale), or be a current graduate student.
  • Should be considering Extension as a future employment option.
  • Must be available full-time during the internship period.
  • Must reside within a reasonable commuting distance of the assigned county. Applicants will provide county placement preferences on the required application addendum.
  • Must have reliable transportation to and from work.
  • While all eligible applicants will be considered, preference will be given to undergraduate students presently enrolled in a Tennessee university or who are residents of Tennessee.

How to apply:

  1. Complete online application.
  2. Attach resume to online application.
  3. Attach transcript (official or unofficial) to online application.
  4. Download and complete addendum form. This form must be completed and attached to your online application packet in order for your application to be considered complete.


For more information, please contact Brandi Berven

Brandi Berven Profile Page
Brandi Berven
Interim Director, Extension Evaluation and Staff Development

Agriculture & Natural Resources / Community Economic Development Internship

The internship provides students majoring in agriculture an opportunity to link classroom learning and campus leadership experiences with professional work experience. Interns will gain hands-on work experience while exploring a career in Extension. Interns will study, observe, and participate in a county Extension program under the direction and supervision of experienced Extension specialists in campus departmental internships and with Extension agents in county-based internships.

Deadline: TBD

Location: Knoxville UTIA Campus unless otherwise indicated

Responsibilities include:

  • Varies by position – See individual position descriptions posted below. 


$7,600 (gross) for the 10-week internship is provided for each intern. Housing or housing allowance is not provided.

Application Requirements:

  • Varies by position – See individual position descriptions posted below. 

How to apply:

  1. Complete online application.
  2. Attach resume to online application.
  3. Attach transcript (official or unofficial) to online application.
  4. Download and complete addendum form. This form must be completed and attached to your online application packet in order for your application to be considered complete.

2025 Positions – Not Yet Available

Department/LocationResponsibilitiesDeadlinePosition Description and Application Link


For more information, please contact Dr. Andrea Ludwig or Ashley Mike.

Andrea Lorene Ludwig Profile Page
Andrea Lorene Ludwig
Professor, Biosystems Engineering and Soil Science
Ashley Marie Mike Profile Page
Ashley Marie Mike
Admin Specialist III, Extension Administration

Tennessee State University ​​Internships​​​​

The internship provides students an opportunity to link classroom learning and campus leadership experiences with professional work experience. Interns will gain hands-on work experience while exploring a career in Extension. Interns will study, observe, and participate in a county Extension program under the direction and supervision of experienced Extension Agents.

Deadline: TBD

Location: Flexible. Applicants will identify their top 3 preferred counties in the application addendum, which will be considered in placement.

Responsibilities include:

  • Plan, prepare, and implement research-based educational programs in Extension subject matter areas (agriculture, family & consumer sciences, and 4-H Youth Development), under the supervision of an Extension Agent.
  • Complete an internship e-portfolio and an educational project.
  • Present a report of the internship experience at the end of the program.
  • This position requires travel connected with official duties within the assigned county and participation in occasional out-of-county events.
  • This position requires participation in some evening and weekend events that occur outside of normal business hours.  

Application Requirements:

  • Must be a junior or senior enrolled in a college of agriculture, family & consumer sciences, education, or closely related field. Preference given to students presently enrolled at TSU.
  • Must have completed approximately 60 credit hours of required coursework for a Bachelor’s degree with a cumulative GPA of 2.7 or higher.
  • Should be considering Extension as a future employment option.
  • Must be available full-time during the internship period.
  • Must reside within a reasonable commuting distance of the assigned county.
  • Must have reliable transportation to and from work.
  • While all eligible applicants will be considered, preference will be given to undergraduate students presently enrolled at TSU.

How to apply:

  1. Download and complete application (coming soon).
  2. Attach resume.
  3. Attach transcript (official or unofficial) .
  4. Email completed application to Anthony Tuggle.


Anthony Tuggle Profile Page
Anthony Tuggle
TSU-Ext Agent III & County Dir, Rutherford County

Altria Internship Program

This internship will provide field-training opportunities for undergraduate and/or graduate students interested in agricultural Extension work and activities. This internship program selects counties where tobacco constitutes an important source of agricultural income.

Deadline: TBD

Location: Varies

Responsibilities include:

  • Interns are expected to participate in all aspects of a county agricultural Extension program including field visits, field days, and other Extension events.
  • Interns will also be required to participate in an IPM program with one or more tobacco producers, involving weekly scouting of fields for pests and production problems.
  • Must present a written and oral report of the project accomplishments and training experience at the end of the internship in early August.
  • This position requires travel connected with official duties within the assigned county and participation in occasional out-of-county events.
  • This position requires participation in some evening and weekend events that occur outside of normal business hours.  

Application Requirements:

  • Candidate must be enrolled in a college of agriculture, natural resources, environmental science or closely related major.
  • Preference will be given to students presently enrolled at the University of Tennessee, Tennessee State University, any other university or college in Tennessee, or to a student resident of Tennessee enrolled elsewhere. The student should also have at least one more semester to complete after the summer internship has ended. Preference will also be given to those with Extension experience (i.e. former 4-H member, etc.). However, all eligible applicants will be considered
  • Must reside in, or live within a reasonable commuting distance of the assigned county.
  • Must be available full-time during the internship period.
  • Must have own transportation to and from work.

How to apply:

  1. Download and complete addendum form. This form must be completed and attached to your online application packet in order for your application to be considered complete.
  2. Attach resume.
  3. Attach cover letter.
  4. Attach transcript (official or unofficial).
  5. Email complete application to Dr. Mitchell Richmond at mitchell.richmond@utk.edu.


Mitchell Dale Richmond Profile Page
Mitchell Dale Richmond
Assistant Professor, Plant Sciences