Policy & Guidance

Programs for Minors

UTIA Programs for Minors Website
UT Policy SA0575 – Programs for Minors
Programs for Minors FAQs *updated 8/22/16 (78KB)

Flexible Work

Flexible Work Guidelines
Telecommuting Agreement
Flexible Work Schedule Considerations Guide
Frequently Asked Questions
HR0480-Work Schedules
HR0445 Overtime Compensation

Professional Dress & Appearance

Professional Dress & Appearance

Out-of-Cycle Review Process

Out-of-Cycle Review Process guidance

CDC Respiratory Virus Guidance

Website for CDC guidance

Employee Assistance Program

UT: https://hr.utk.edu/employee-assistance-program/
TSU: https://www.tnstate.edu/hr/benefits.aspx

Accident Reporting

UT – https://riskmanagement.tennessee.edu/incident-reporting/
TSU – Workers’ Compensation (6.41) 

Code of Conduct

UT: https://conduct.tennessee.edu/
TSU: https://www.tnstate.edu/hr/Code%20of%20Ethical%20Conduct-6.9.pdf

Educational Assistance


UT – http://policy.tennessee.edu/hr_policy/hr0330/
TSU – Educational Assistance Programs (6.14)


UT – http://policy.tennessee.edu/hr_policy/hr0331/
TSU – Educational Assistance Programs (6.14)

Family Medical Leave

UT: https://hr.utk.edu/family-and-medical-leave/
The paper version of the Family & Medical Leave Request Form has been converted to a new online format: Family Medical Leave Request Form.  FML requests for a medical condition that is not childbirth, adoption, or foster care placement, requires Medical Certification. You will have access to the medical certification form from the family medical leave form. The link for the medical certification is in one of the top sections of the form marked this form.
TSU: https://policies.tbr.edu/policies/family-medical-and-servicemember-leave

Motor Vehicle Accidents

UT: https://riskmanagement.tennessee.edu/incident-reporting/
TSU: https://www.tnstate.edu/travel/

Probationary Period

UT: https://hr.utk.edu/hr0135/
TSU: https://www.tnstate.edu/hr/documents/updatedpoliciesandprocedures/Probationary%20Period.pdf

Sick Leave Bank

UT: http://policy.tennessee.edu/hr_policy/hr0382/
UT: https://hr.tennessee.edu/benefits/sick-leave-bank/
UT: http://hr.utk.edu/employee-relations/sick-leave-bank/
TSU: https://www.tnstate.edu/hr/benefits.aspx

Advisory Committee Guidance